A reunion you want to attend.
Virtual events made the magic of virtual cast reunions possible. Everyone is staying at home, including celebrities. This rare moment in time has created the opportunity, access, and affordability to arrange star-studded reunions of your favorite films and television shows.
Television Sit-Coms
Laugh with the stars of Schitt’s
Creek, The Good Place, Brooklyn
Nine-Nine and all of your favorite
Television Dramas
The greatest dramas on even smaller screen like Breaking Bad, Grey’s Anatomy, Orange Is the New Black, and the characters that making being dramatic a great thing.
Classic Television
From the Dunder Mifflin Office to your office, cast members from The Office, Cheers, Friends, Seinfeld, That 70’s Show, The Brady Bunch and all your favorite stars are ready to deliver one more,“That’s What She Said”.
Classic Television Drama
Mad Men taught us that advertising
is based on one thing, happiness.
Find your happiness with the cast
members from ER, Law & Order,
Beverly Hills 90210, Buffy The
Vampire Slayer
Romantic Comedies
Who could ever forget the
moment Harry Met Sally, or when we were Sleepless In Seattle and all the other movie moments that made our hearts sing.
Comedy Movies
From wacky plots and situations, overly fast-paced action sequences, mistaken identities, your favorite comedy movies characters can’t wait to come together again to create new laughs and unforgettable memories.
Dramatic Movies
Are you ready to go back to the Titanic, hear Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper sing the Shallow, or meet all the Bombshells who made movies a movement?
Superhero Movies
Grab your tights and capes and let’s
escape into the fantasy world that
makes our Spidy-senses tingle and
our golden lassoes shine with the
cast of the epic stories of heroism.
Classic Movies
Decades of perfected action movies
and summer blockbusters that
include the directorial masterworks
of Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, and John Hughes. Reminisce the wonderment of E.T., the growing pains of The Breakfast Club, and the transformative tales of the original Star Wars, with the stories only the cast could know and share.